Koru Mindfulness Program
2021 Aug 16, Mon, 7pm
2021 Aug 16, Mon, 7pm
We had an IG poll asking you what you wanted to learn more about in the upcoming semester, and WE HEAR YOU😊! Join us in a 4-week long mindfulness program conducted by Brother Pee Eng, whom we have worked closely with 🙌

More about Brother Ong Pee Eng:

Brother Ong Pee Eng is a Certified Teacher in the mindfulness for student program, Paws b (7-11yrs) and .b (11-18yrs) from the Mindfulness in School Project (MiSP) in the UK, and certified ACTA (Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment) trainer under WSQ (Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications). He teaches mindfulness practices to reduce stress and improve well-being.

Participants will be asked to:

- Practice a skill/meditation for at least 10 minutes per day

- Use the Koru app to submit a meditation log per day

- Read assigned chapters in the book Mindful Twenty-Something

- Commit themselves to attend all 4 lesson

Participants have to pay a small fee of $5 to gain full access to the Koru App

We welcome EVERYONE regardless of whether you are a Buddhist 🌸! ONLY 12 slots available, so sign up at NUSYNC soon‼️Sign ups will close on 13 August 2021.

NUSYNC Link: https://nus.campuslabs.com/engage/event/7148010